Remember Christopher Reeve as SuperMan?
He gave the Man of Steel the best personality>
Chris had just the right look for a SuperMan.
His was the story of a true Hero.
Today, we have Heroes and Sheroes among us.
What comes to mind most for me are
the Grocery Clerks,
because i spent 20 years in that role.
This morning i was in line at
Trader Joes at 8:15am, 45 minutes before their opening.
i was the second person in line.
i had a great, pleasant conversation
with the first in line who was a young woman.
It was good seeing Her and
all the other people who were around me.
the #groceryclerks are doing their best to
keep our store shelves stocked and in order.
They are courteous and kind.
They are helpful with smiles on their faces.
i thank God for them all.
The men and women and young people
who are staying out there,
possibly in harm's way, to meet our needs.
Think about #gratitude.
With a #hopefulattitude we can win this season.
The media wants to make us afraid.
And i know there are serious issues.
But don't forget what it means to #behuman.
#bewell. #besafe. #bekind. #rememberthe good.
#shelterinplacewithacomicbook today!
Thanks for visiting. i hope my words are encouraging.
All the best be Yours, always, ~john